Nejznámější a nejdůležitější římská silnice je tichým svědkem dob minulých. Nemluví a přesto hodně říká. Via Appia má své kouzlo, které se nedá jen tak snadno popsat. Římští otroci ji stavěli před více než 2000 tisíci lety. Obchodní cesta spojovala Řím s přístavem v Brindisi a staří římané jí dali ještě jeden přívlastek : "REGINA VIARUM" - královna cest.
Via Appia si prošla svou slávou i dobou zapomenutí. Je lemována tichými vzpomínkami tomb a pohřebišt, stejně jako vilami z doby dnešní. Unesla tanky osvobozeneckých vojsk na konci války a na některých místech ještě dnes čelí provozu v naší moderní době plné aut.
by google translator:
Via Appia Antica
The best known and most important Roman road is a silent witness of the past. He does not talk much and yet says. Via Appia has its own charm that can not be so easily described. Roman slaves built it over 2000 years ago. Business connected Rome with the port of Brindisi and the Romans gave it one more attribute: "REGINA viarum" - Queen travels.
Via Appia went through its period of glory and oblivion. It is lined with silent memories tomb and burial, as well as villas of time today. She took the tanks liberation troops at the end of the war, and in some places today facing traffic in our modern times full of cars.
The best known and most important Roman road is a silent witness of the past. He does not talk much and yet says. Via Appia has its own charm that can not be so easily described. Roman slaves built it over 2000 years ago. Business connected Rome with the port of Brindisi and the Romans gave it one more attribute: "REGINA viarum" - Queen travels.
Via Appia went through its period of glory and oblivion. It is lined with silent memories tomb and burial, as well as villas of time today. She took the tanks liberation troops at the end of the war, and in some places today facing traffic in our modern times full of cars.